Recycling's Impact
Per the EPA:
Recycling one ton of paper:
- Saves enough energy to power the average American home for six months.
- Saves 7,000 gallons of water.
- Saves 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space.
- Reduces greenhouse gas emissions by one metric ton of carbon equivalent (MTCE).

Recycling glass*
- Recycling one glass bottle saves enough electricity to light a 100-watt bulb for four hours.
- Recycling glass reduces air pollution by 14-20% and saves 25-32% more energy than making glass from virgin raw materials.
- Over a ton of resources is saved for every ton of glass recycled.
- Glass containers save 9 gallons of fuel (oil) for every ton of glass recycled.

- Recycling 1 ton of plastic can save over 7 cubic yards of landfill space.
- Recycling plastic saves twice as much energy than incinerating it.

- A used aluminum can is recycled and back on the grocery shelf as a new can, in as little as 60 days.
- Over 50 percent of the aluminum cans produced today are recycled.
- Two-thirds of the aluminum ever produced is in use today.
- The energy you save by recycling a single aluminum can will run a TV for three hours.
*from recyclingfacts.org
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